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Surrender and Release

Sometimes, things do not go as planned at all! We can prepare ourselves as best we can. We can communicate our desires, hopes and concerns. We can try and solve for all foreseeable outcomes just incase we need to adjust. Yet, there are times, no matter what we do, things still do not go as planned.

What do we do in these times? Many of us get irritated, sad or angry. We become flustered and feel let down by what we thought was our best to be ready. Especially, if we have spent many hours planning and preparing. What happens if we are able to be present in these moments? What if, instead of getting down, we can say, "you know, it's a bummer things aren't or didn't go as I planned. I wonder why? I wonder what this might be trying to teaching me? I wonder if this isn't actually aligned with me, and something much more positive will be coming my way."

When we try and force things, there is resistance. We become weighted down by trying to control the proper flow of things. We may start to notice a snowball effect. When speaking about mushrooms, this becomes clear with 'bad trips'. Something I acknowledge but do not agree with. Yes, some experiences can be very intense. Yes, we can experience unpleasant emotions or thoughts. When this happens, many of us want to try and gain control, to fight the comfortability. Being uncomfortable is, well, uncomfortable. Why would anyone say, "laying on those rocks looks mighty uncomfortable, let me throw down a blanket and spend the next 3 hours on them!" Not many people would.

That is where the truth awaits, where the work begins. If we can draw awareness during these uncomfortable times, lean into them, allow ourselves to put our hands up and say, "I don't know why this is happening, I may not like it very much, but I trust myself, I trust this medicine, I allow myself to learn and be open to this situation." We will be able to grow from these experiences in incredible ways. This practice can be mirrored throughout life.

Next time you have something you are doing, wanting or waiting on, and it doesn't go according to planned, try to change the narrative. Simply the act of surrendering can be the teaching. Maybe it's the act of drawing awareness. You might have deeper insights such as, learning how to use your voice and speak your truth, releasing desires that are not in alignment, releasing traumas and blockages or even giving thanks for unexpected opportunities. Whatever the case my be, learning to surrender to the flow of things can make a huge difference within the experience.

One thing to always remember is, just because it isn't what I planned, doesn't mean it isn't exactly what I needed. Even though nothing went according to plan, I now see it was absolutely perfect!

With Love,

Ileah Taylor



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