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Many times when we are stuck in a cycle of suffering, depression, stagnation, it seems as though it will never end. What is the point of life when it is so alone and cold? Changing our way of viewing the world around us can be one of the hardest and most rewarding challenges we will face. The ability to be present, flowing, aware in this moment, brings gratitude.

Gratitude is a practice. It is a form of shifting from stagnation to a state of flow. Many times when I ask people, "do you have a gratitude practice" or, "what are you grateful for" I get a long pause or very surface level response. I will hear, "oh, uhm, well, I'm glad I have a job" or, "Oh, I love my kids", or "my pet always makes me happy." While these are still great things, it seems to take people a while to make me a list of just 5 things.

A few years ago, I started my gratitude practice. I bought some fun notebooks from the dollar store and would free write. My free writing would look like anything from lists, random sentences, word association or have a topic and anything that pops into my head it would go on paper. Flowing, no erasing, no re-reading, just in the moment writing. I have a few ways of practicing gratitude. One which always start off as, I am grateful (fill in the blank). I have positive affirmations which are, I am/I have (fill in the blank). Then I have my 'little things' practice where I use all my senses to find things I can smile about.

After a few days of doing this, I felt lighter. I felt a sense of stillness, it was easier for me to stay focused on my goals. I felt clear, grounded. I was able to be in the moment and felt I had much more control over my life. I realized it must have to do with my new practice.

It is important to physically write, not texting, not typing, writing! There is something about the pen or pencil moving across the paper. Each letter forming, a way to solidify our thoughts. Unlike a keyboard where it can easily be erased or using only two fingers to type the words. Writing provides a connection, a calmness in the ritual of writing.

I want to share with you a few of my journal entries. I have journals for daily writings and one dedicated to the 'little things'. Again, many times when I ask people what they are grateful for it is a hard thing to answer. I like to focus on the little things, the things we can find anywhere, at any time of day or point in our life. The little things remind us of how small we are, of how precious our life is, how we make such a big deal of things that take up lots of energy when it could be better spent elsewhere.

It all starts now!

I am grateful for clarity

I am grateful for sunshine on my face

I am grateful for an open heart

I am grateful for food in my belly

I am grateful to feel emotions

I am grateful to have authentic connection

I am grateful for community

I am grateful for financial freedom

I am grateful for my voice

I am grateful for stillness

I am grateful for my strength

I am grateful for warmth

I am grateful for smiling faces

I am grateful for abundance

I am grateful for silence

I am grateful to have choices

I am grateful for growth

I am grateful for plants

I am grateful for polarity

I am grateful I am healthy

I am grateful for new patterns

I am grateful for alignment

I am grateful for sacred spaces

I am grateful for awareness

What are you Grateful for?!

Little Things:

Plop of rocks into water

Fluttering of bird wings above

Sidewalk chalk art

Strangers smiling at each other

Marshmallows afloat in coco

Dew drops on flowers

The smell of fresh cut grass

The giggle of jello

Warm cookies

Clear starry nights

Ocean breeze

The sun dipping below the horizon

A full tank of gas

Flavorful food

Colorful buildings

Funky patters

Dad jokes


Puffy clouds

Smell of rain

Wild flowers


Antique shops

'Perfect song' moments

Brain freeze

Big hugs

'Ah ha' moments

Ants in a row

What are little things you find enjoyable?

Positive affirmations/mantras:

I am whole

I am clear

I am abundant

I am strong

I am grounded

I speak with love

I am consciously creating my reality

I am powerful

I am balanced

I am aligned

I am growing, have grace with myself

I talk positively about my body

I am shedding layers that do not serve me

I am learning

I release that which does not serve me

I desire authentic connection

I desire positive people

I have financial freedom

I have the opportunity to change my life for the better

I have an open heart

I have clear eyes

I am confident

I am motivated

I am centered

I am expansive

I am proud of myself

I am worthy of all good things

What are your positive affirmations/mantras?

By writing and saying these things daily, my life started to take shape in ways I never thought possible. We are all on a journey, we are constantly changing and growing either closer to our authentic self or away from. Be gentle with yourself, life is a practice not a perfect. Take things one moment at a time. It's ok we are not where we want to be, as long as we are moving in a positive direction. Enjoy the journey, even the times things are chaotic and difficult. These are times we can learn stillness, put our practice to use, having the polarity to see clarity on how we desire our life to be. Continuously navigating this life to find fulfillment.

With love,

Ileah Taylor



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