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Ask the Questions - Pt.2 Is This in Alignment?

When we start this journey with earth medicine and we would like some assistance, it can be difficult to know where to begin to find a sitter, a guide, a space holder or whichever name you would like to insert to help you along your journey. Having someone who is experienced with the medicine you are sitting with is incredibly important. Another key factor is, what is their relationship with this medicine like? Is it a hobby or lifestyle?

As I stated in my first blog, Ask the Questions Trauma Awareness, I discussed the importance of having someone who is trauma aware and informed. When someone comes to me to help overcome or dive into a specific trauma or hiccup, I need to know I can hold space for that person to keep everyone involved as safe as possible. During a medicine ceremony, a person can experience flashbacks or sometimes have a trauma surface that they had completely forgotten about. This is why it is crucial to be as thorough as possible during the intake portion, being sure to ask specific questions. Also, having trauma awareness as the space holder to help understand what is going on in their journey to make proper adjustments quickly if need be when/if the situation happens that the trauma is surfacing for the first time.

After we have discussed traumas and mental health, I move to what you could call lighter questions. I feel it is important that the one who is holding space has a relationship with the medicine they are serving. If they have a personal relationship with the medicine, they can help navigate your journey easier. They are able to answer many questions you may have regarding sensations, tips or tricks, and share any difficulties or challenges as well as ways to overcome those things.

Asking questions surrounding what their relationship looks like can help you decide if you would like to work with them. Some questions you might ask are, do they have an ongoing relationship with the medicine being served? How long have they been working with the medicine? As well as how long they have been serving the medicine? Your facilitator should have no issue having this conversation. While they are speaking, notice how your body feels. Always use your gut feeling. Learn to trust yourself. Part of this whole journey into earth medicine is learning to build a relationship with your body. Your body cannot talk to you with words, so it uses feelings. Learn to listen and interpret what your body is saying. It will keep you safe.

Another thing I like to observe is, is this a hobby or a lifestyle? There are some people who are in the medicine space where it is simply a hobby for them. Some of these practitioners can do more harm than good. There are many things that can affect a ceremony. Whenever people say they had a 'bad trip', I immediately ask a few questions specific to lifestyle habits. 'Bad trips' is a whole nother post, so speaking upon purely habits these are the questions I would ask to someone who was telling me about a previous experience during the intake process. What did you have to eat that day? What was your water intake like? Have you taken any recreational drugs? What had you been watching or listening to leading up to or during your journey? All these things can affect your ceremony. I as a space holder also am aware of these things within myself before I serve medicine.

Once you learn to trust yourself, you will be able to see/feel who is in the medicine space as a hobby and who is in it because it is their calling. I had a huge transformation once I really started building a deep relationship with earth medicine. I am still human and do enjoy many of the things this world has to offer like scary movies from time to time, or a beer with a burger. Although, my cleanliness, (another blog to check out if you have not) has completely changed for the better. When serving medicine, even though I am not ingesting any, I also do not intake certain things, as well as I start introducing extra things in the days prior. I take in things that nourish my body and mind. Lots of fruits, veggies and raw whole foods. Extra water. I sit in silence with intention. I listen to positive music, podcasts or light hearted movies. No drugs, no scary, violent, action or drama movies. No harsh music. I am even more aware of the language I use and the thoughts I have.

I am not saying the way I hold space is the correct way. I am simply wanting to bring awareness to the differences in holding space for ceremonies. These are all things to take into consideration when looking for a space holder or navigator in your journey. It is important their medicine aligns with what your goal is. Outside of working with earth medicine, we each have our own medicine to share. Every single person will hold space differently. Be sure to ask the questions, and most of all, ask yourself if it aligns with you! Never be afraid to say, 'no thank you'. In my practice with serving medicine, I am very open and speak about all these things with my clients so that many of the times, they don't have any questions for me. Again, trust yourself. If you choose to sit in ceremony safety and healing/growth should be the top priority.

With Love,

Ileah Taylor



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